Saturday, December 6, 2014

Project 10: Open Theme

What did you do good?
I think I displayed each performance well in the video.

What could you have done better?
I shouldn't have asked my mom to film. Majority of the videos were blurry and she didn't get to fully enjoy our performances. I also wish I got more footage. I had taken videos of students and teachers saying "Merry Christmas" on my iPhone, but I couldn't transfer them onto my computer.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Project 9: Stop Motion

What did you do good?
I'm very proud of this video. This is the longest and hardest I've worked on a video so far. I like my idea and the music I chose. I like how it has the happy music and bright lighting that gives it a cheerful, holiday spirit mood.

What could've been better?
I should have made my video longer. I had more ideas, but I couldn't find the right materials to present them.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Project 8: Interview

What did you do good?
I think I had good questions on an interesting topic that not a lot of people know about.
What could you do better?
I should have put facts like Mr. B always asks but I thought the video was already too long and I wasn't sure where to put them in the video.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Project 7: Silent Movie

What did you do good?
I think we had a very good idea and we worked really hard. We also had a lot of fun and laughs.

What could you do better?
We should've had one more person to help us film because some scenes required all four of us.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Project 6: Music Video

What did you do good?
This is the hardest I've worked on any of my IT projects so far. I walked around alone for hours and it would rain time to time, but I'm proud that I stuck to filming until I was satisfied with my amount of footage.

What could you do better?
I tried editing the video with iMovie on an iPad for the first time. I didn't know it would take so long to convert all the .mov clips to .mp4 so it would work on the iPad. I also expected more people and decorations in Barrigada Heights like last year, but I overestimated that as well.

Project 5: Weather Report

What did you do good?
We had good energy and the lighting was good. There was also some humor which we were aiming for.

What could you do better?
The desk in the background shouldn't have been there. We also should've taken our time filming.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Project 4: How-to Video

What did you do good?
I liked that my video and my concept was simple. I think I presented how to wrap a present well. It was quick and easy. 

What could you do better?
My camera angle wasn't centered. It'd be easier if I had someone I trust to work with instead of being by myself. 

Project 3: Commercial Video

What did you do good?
I think I did pretty good at editing and filming. I liked my idea since I've been wanting to film my dog. The commercial isn't that bad in my opinion. 

What can you do better?
I should've found someone more reliable to film with me. I asked my mom to help and eventually she ended up just leaving me to do it by myself. I should've put background music and sound effects. My project was also longer than the required time which was 20-30 seconds.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Pre-Project 9: Photography Techniques

 FEATURE FUNCTION: How do you use it? IMPORTANCE:  Why do you use it?
 Histogramgraph of tonal distribution - what's light and what's dark;Lighter images move the graph to the right. Darker ones move it to the left. A good image often has a histogram spread all over.
 Camera Metering Mode the way in which a camera determines the exposure it puts in your hands more control in how your camera approaches capturing a particular scene.
 Exposure Compensation 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Pre-Project 7: Image File Formats

 Sample Image

Acronym Meaning Joint Photographic Experts Group Graphics Interchange Format Windows Bitmap Tagged Image File Format Portable Network Graphics
  • 24-bit color, with up to 16 million colors
  • rich colors for photographs that need fine attention to color detail
  • most used & widely accepted image format
  • compatible in most OS (Mac, PC, Linux)

  • can support transparency
  • can do small animation effects
  • "Lossless" quality–they contain the same amount of quality as the original, except it now only has 256 colors
  • Great for images with limited colors, or with flat regions of color

  • Works well with most Windows programs and OS, you can use it as a Windows wallpaper

  • very flexible format, supports several typed of compression like JPEG, LZW, ZIP or no compression at all
  • high quality image format, all color and data info are stored
  • can now be saved with layers

  • "lossless", so it doesn't lose quality and detail after image compression
  • creates smaller file sizes than GIF
  • supports transparency better than GIF
  • tends to discard a lot of data
  • tends to create artifacts after compression
  • can't be animated
  • doesn't support transparency

  • only supports 256 colors
  • oldest format on the web, having existed since 1989. It hasn't been updated since, and sometimes, the file size is larger than PNG.

  • does not scale or compress well
  • huge image file, not web friendly
  • no real advantage over other formats

  •  very large file size - long transfer time, huge disk space consumption, and slow loading time

  • not good for large images bc they tend to generate a very large file
  • unlike GIF, cannot be animated
  • not supported by all web browsers
 Best to Use in... web images animated graphics and logos Windows wallpaper web imageslogos and transparents

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Pre-Project 6: Camera Dial Mode











Thursday, August 28, 2014

Pre-Project 5: Digital Photography - Camera Basics

How can you use the Shutter Button in order to get the best focus of your picture?
Press the shutter button halfway before taking your picture to focus on the object(s).

When do you or do you NOT use your flash?
Flash is for when your picture is too dark or when you don't want shadows in your picture. Flash should be turned off when you are trying to conserve battery power.

What is the fastest way to delete ALL your pictures?
Formatting your camera or memory card wipes it clean of ALL images (even protected ones).

How do you manage or take care of your LCD screen?
  • Turn off your LCD when not in use to conserve battery.
  • Don't use just anything to clean your LCD! Buy a cheap microfiber cloth and store it in your case when not in use
Explain the difference and use of Optical and Digital Zoom? Give an example of a camera that has the best digital and optical zoom. 
Optical zoom uses the lens of your camera to get a closer view of your subject. Your quality shoudl still be excellent when using Optical zoom. Digital zoom uses the processor inside the camera to crop the center of the picture and then increase the size of the pixels in that area. This causes a slight drop in the quality of your image.

The Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ40
is an example of a camera with optical zoom.

What is the best battery to use for cameras? Give an example and show the price of this kind of battery currently sold in the market.
The NiMH Rechargeable and Lithium Rechargeable are the best choices for batteries.

2 3.7V 18650 3000mah Rechargeable Lithium Batteries with a Charger are $7.10 on Amazon.

What is RESOLUTION? Explain how you can use it. Give an example of a camera that has the highest megapixel and name its price.
The resolution of a picture determines how large it can print.
The Nikon D810 FX-format Digital SLR Camera Body has the highest megapixel and costs around $3,000.

What do you mean by Compression Rates?
Compression Rates basically determine how nice your picture will be when you print.

How does resolution and  quality affect memory?  What are the best memory camera cards currently in the market (insert picture)? 
Pictures taken at a high Resolution and at a high Quality will take up more memory than pictures taken at a low Resolution and low Quality. The 32 GB SanDisk Extreme Plus is the best SD card for most people because it's reasonably priced, fast, and comes with a lifetime warranty.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Pre-Project 1: Introduction to Gmail and Blogger

What are the Top 5 Google Applications that are useful for you? 

YouTube is highly useful for me. I use it for a lot of different things,like help with school, news, or watching my favorite vloggers.    

Google Maps 
My recent trip to the United States made me realize how important Google Maps is. I may not be able to drive, but my mom and I were completely blind trying to get around without the Google Maps app on my phone. This app is an absolute necessity especially when you're somewhere new.

Google Drive
Google Drive is very useful when I'm working on projects with classmates. We can easily share ideas and work together.

Google Calendar
Google Calendar is convenient because I can keep track of all my events. I can also sync it with my phone so it's easily accessible.

Google News
Google news obviously keeps you updated on the latest news. It is very convenient to have around.

                          Google Apps for Education

The Uses of CC and BCC

CC is when you want to send an email to multiple people and they are fine with other people seeing their email address.
BCC is also for sending emails to multiple people at the same time, but you put the emails of the people who don't want their email address to be seen.