Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Pre-Project 7: Image File Formats

 Sample Image

Acronym Meaning Joint Photographic Experts Group Graphics Interchange Format Windows Bitmap Tagged Image File Format Portable Network Graphics
  • 24-bit color, with up to 16 million colors
  • rich colors for photographs that need fine attention to color detail
  • most used & widely accepted image format
  • compatible in most OS (Mac, PC, Linux)

  • can support transparency
  • can do small animation effects
  • "Lossless" quality–they contain the same amount of quality as the original, except it now only has 256 colors
  • Great for images with limited colors, or with flat regions of color

  • Works well with most Windows programs and OS, you can use it as a Windows wallpaper

  • very flexible format, supports several typed of compression like JPEG, LZW, ZIP or no compression at all
  • high quality image format, all color and data info are stored
  • can now be saved with layers

  • "lossless", so it doesn't lose quality and detail after image compression
  • creates smaller file sizes than GIF
  • supports transparency better than GIF
  • tends to discard a lot of data
  • tends to create artifacts after compression
  • can't be animated
  • doesn't support transparency

  • only supports 256 colors
  • oldest format on the web, having existed since 1989. It hasn't been updated since, and sometimes, the file size is larger than PNG.

  • does not scale or compress well
  • huge image file, not web friendly
  • no real advantage over other formats

  •  very large file size - long transfer time, huge disk space consumption, and slow loading time

  • not good for large images bc they tend to generate a very large file
  • unlike GIF, cannot be animated
  • not supported by all web browsers
 Best to Use in... web images animated graphics and logos Windows wallpaper web imageslogos and transparents

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