Sunday, October 26, 2014

Project 6: Music Video

What did you do good?
This is the hardest I've worked on any of my IT projects so far. I walked around alone for hours and it would rain time to time, but I'm proud that I stuck to filming until I was satisfied with my amount of footage.

What could you do better?
I tried editing the video with iMovie on an iPad for the first time. I didn't know it would take so long to convert all the .mov clips to .mp4 so it would work on the iPad. I also expected more people and decorations in Barrigada Heights like last year, but I overestimated that as well.

Project 5: Weather Report

What did you do good?
We had good energy and the lighting was good. There was also some humor which we were aiming for.

What could you do better?
The desk in the background shouldn't have been there. We also should've taken our time filming.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Project 4: How-to Video

What did you do good?
I liked that my video and my concept was simple. I think I presented how to wrap a present well. It was quick and easy. 

What could you do better?
My camera angle wasn't centered. It'd be easier if I had someone I trust to work with instead of being by myself. 

Project 3: Commercial Video

What did you do good?
I think I did pretty good at editing and filming. I liked my idea since I've been wanting to film my dog. The commercial isn't that bad in my opinion. 

What can you do better?
I should've found someone more reliable to film with me. I asked my mom to help and eventually she ended up just leaving me to do it by myself. I should've put background music and sound effects. My project was also longer than the required time which was 20-30 seconds.